"Natura 2000 fails to strike a balance between ecological value, economic interests and other uses. This is due mainly to the wording of the precautionary principle....The strict ecological focus of Natura 2000, ...., means that in some regions - on land as well as water - entrepeneurs are at risk of losing their livelihooods". Dit schreef Minister-President Dr. Jan Peter Balkenende in een brief van 13 juli 2009 aan de President van de Europese Commissie, de heer José Manuel Barroso. Barroso ontkende dit in zijn antwoordschrijven aan Balkenende van 26 oktober 2009. LTO Noord-voorzitter Tammo Beishuizen meent echter dat Barroso heeft aangegeven dat wel degelijk rekening gehouden moet worden met sociaal-economische factoren en roept het kabinet op om hier nu werk van te maken, bijvoorbeeld door regels te versoepelen of door Natura-gebieden te schrappen. De Tweede Kamer houdt nu op verzoek van PvdD en VVD een spoeddebat over de uitvoering van het Natura 2000-beleid in Nederland.
Barroso schreef:
"The precautionary principle is one of the foundations of the Community environment policy in accordance with Article 174 (2) of the Treaty. The precautionary principle is also explicitly set out in the preamble of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), (which reads "where there is a threat of significant reduction or loss of biological diversity, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to avoid or minimize such a threat"). ... It should not represent an obstacle to sustainable economic development since plans or projects can be authorised when there is no evidence of significant adverse effects on Natura 2000 conservation objectives. For plans or projects that will adversely affect the integrity of Natura 2000 sites, the Directive allows for the possibility of a derogation scheme.
Bronnen: Agrarisch Dagblad van 9 en 12 januari 2010